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Several modifications of the Bing Search in Windows Phone 8

Bing is a pretty amazing application integrated in the operating system Windows Phone. Especially when the Mango update released, new features make experiences on Bing as more fully. However, that does not mean that Bing will remain stagnant and there is nothing to improve, at least from the giant Microsoft employees think so.
Preview In WP8 SDK version has been spotted, can see Bing has a number of significant improvements. The first is the SafeSearch feature, although still not understand how this feature will run in Bing, but according to what Microsoft has shown, such as SmartScreen of IE10, it is likely that SafeSearch function to prevent the sensitive search results.

In addition, Bing in Windows Phone 8 is also one additional extremely attractive, that's personalized suggestions Bing. More specifically, if you are connected to Microsoft Bing and Facebook accounts, when you search for something, the content that Bing suggest you also include the application you may prefer,  the local adjacent omen such as restaurants, shops ...

Several modifications of the Bing Search in Windows Phone 8


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